Site announcements

Access to myUWS

by Angela Tinney -

This is a new, blank instance of myUWS. This version of myUWS is a ‘light’ version of Moodle 4.1 and will not have any of your previous data or all the functionalities previously available on myUWS.

All staff and students will not have access to this version of myUWS by default.  If you are a member of staff and would like to use myUWS for assessment with your module(s), please complete this form to request an account for myUWS, have a course created and share details of which CRNs need accounts created and need to be enrolled.  Please complete a form for each module you would like created.  Please note that it may take up to 5 working days to receive a response to your request.

Please watch this short introductory video for this version of myUWS. 

We are aware that some lecturers are getting errors when setting up quizzes and question banks in their module. If you get an error, take a screenshot and document what you were doing at the time. Please send this to

(Edited by Jordan Ferguson - original submission Tuesday, 5 September 2023, 1:22 PM)